Wonky Muse |
July 13, 2004
Osama's BrotherFox News is a joke, but the rest of the so called "liberal media" is guilty of, at the very least, sloppy reporting.
One prime example is the interview conducted by Matt Lauer of Dateline NBC with one of Osama Bin Laden's half-brothers (he's got 53 of them), Yeslam Bin Laden. There was a marked contrast between this interview and the one he conducted with Michael Moore, the director of Fahrenheit 9/11. With Moore, Lauer can hardly hide his venom; it was not an interview, it was a hostile interrogation. With Yeslam, he was civil, almost deferential. Why the difference? Simple. Fahrenheit 9/11 was as much a searing criticism of the complacent media as it was of George W. Bush. Dateline made it a point to mention that Yeslam agreed to be interviewed to answer the claims of Fahrenheit 9/11. The following is the heart of the interview:
Lauer made it seem like he caught Moore in a lie. The problem is, Moore did not lie. He used the carefully worded phrase "Michael Moore leaves the impression". Who cares? Impressions are subjective. Let's deal with the facts. This is actually what the movie said and the corresponding supporting evidence as stated in Moore's web site:
In the voiceover, Lauer further stated that "in a preliminary report, the independent, bipartisan Commission investigating the 9/11 attacks found the FBI adequately checked out the bin Laden relatives before letting them go." The Commission did release that finding and Richard Clarke, the White House's former chief of counterterrorism, did claim responsibility for clearing the flights, but according to Craig Unger, author of The House of Bush, House of Saud, Clarke based his decision on the soundness of the FBI's recommendation:
Did the FBI perform due diligence in investigating the Bin Laden family aboard that flight? It doesn't seem like it, based on the report by The Hill:
This is supported further by Unger:
Of course, Lauer did not bother to find out all these, which makes it doubtful that he was interested in giving an objective, informative report as opposed to just refuting Fahrenheit 9/11.
Perhaps the most jaw-dropping portion of the interview was this exchange:
Excuse me?! Never been asked? Why not? Again, Lauer failed miserably. I expected him to interview someone from the FBI to answer such a relevant question and he didn't.
This glaring omission became more outrageous after this last exchange:
Does this sound like the "liberal media"to you? As for Lauer, he should stick to his day job.
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(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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