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March 15, 2005
Bad News BluesIt's been nothing but wall-to-wall bad news for George W. Bush:• Skepticism all around. A new Post/ABC poll shows 56 percent disapprove of Mr. Bush's handling of the Social Security issue, with 58 percent saying the more they hear about his plan, the less they like it. His cynical strategy of pitting the young against the old by appealing to their self-interest isn't working:
• Blue Dogs won't hunt. The self-named Blue Dogs, a pack of 35 conservative House Democrats and likeminded Senators mostly from the South used to support Mr. Bush from across the aisle. Not anymore: It's about time they learned that lesson. The White House has been thumbing its nose at bipartisanship from the get go. Mr. Bush's word shouldn't be trusted because his word is not good. • Fat Cats won't play. The Financial Services Forum, a group of corporations that include American Express, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, left the Coalition for the Modernization and Protection of America's Social Security (Compass), a privatization cash cow trying to raise $20 million to support privatization. The pressure being applied by the AFL-CIO seems to be working. The AFL-CIO stated that declaring neutrality like Pfizer, Inc. and Charles Schwab isn't enough if they're still members of advocacy groups like Compass: Earning the ire of big clients and investors like the AFL-CIO -- not to mention a public increasingly displeased with Mr. Bush -- can seriously hurt the bottom line. Financial firms are realizing it's not very smart to support Mr. Bush's sinking privatization ship at the expense of their stockholders. +Save/Share | | |
(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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