Wonky Muse |
August 24, 2006
Full of MacacaHow much of an apology is an apology if you're still full of it?Virginia Sen. George Allen apologized directly to S.R. Sidarth yesterday, telling the 20-year-old Democratic campaign staffer that he was sorry for offending him with remarks that have generated nationwide criticism for being racially insensitive.It took several demands for an apology from Siddarth and more importantly, his lead in the polls evaporating before George Felix Allen, Jr. "apologized". But wait, is it really an "apology"? As the senator was apologizing, his campaign manager continued to blame Webb, the media and the senator's "leftist" foes for the controversy.Asked whether that message is consistent with Allen's apologies, Wadhams said, "I think the memo speaks for itself." So George Felix Allen, Jr.'s so-called "apology" was a calculated political move to placate those who were rightfully offended, while at the same time his henchmen took cheap shots at his opponents and the media to rally his more combative, defiant supporters. So much for coming "from his heart". +Save/Share | | |
(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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