Wonky Muse |
October 21, 2006
Things You Can Do To Take Back Your CountryDonate money. These last two weeks are crucial, and it takes money to make that one last message push. Act Blue is a clearinghouse for Democratic action. No amount is too small to make a difference:I am disabled by a spinal injury and unable to work, yet out of my meager funds I have scraped up $20 and $25 amounts to send to various campaigns around the country that need all the support they can get. These are amounts I can ill afford, but I feel we absolutely must free ourselves from the shameless conduct of the Republican controlled Congress and their staggeringly incompetent President.Money donations via the internet not only channels funds to crucial campaigns but also reinforces the liberal netroots' reputation as a financial powerhouse that politicos can't afford to ignore. There are several excellent Act Blue pages sponsored by the bigger liberal bloggers here, here and here. Make a difference; this is the time, more than ever, to give. Donate time. Even if you literally only have a minute to spare, you can make a difference by getting involved. From issue aware to registering new voters to knocking on doors to being a pollworker on Election Day, Do More Than Vote is a website brimming with ideas on how to fight for the common good and win. If you've had enough and want to kick the rascals out of Washington, now is the time to do it! Tags:
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(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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