Wonky Muse |
May 19, 2006
Just In: Lamont Made ItJane Hamsher just reported that Ned Lamont forced a primary against Bush's favorite Democrat pet Joe Lieberman.It's time Joe's held accountable for his shameless pandering to the right. Centrism isn't a virtue in today's political environment when the Republicans continually show their willingness to stab opponents in the back. These guys aren't interested in compromise or bipartisanship, and if Joe would rather embrace the pummeling than defend us, he should get out of the way. Better yet, we should push him out of the way and let a real Democrat take his place. Help Ned Lamont here. Update: Matt Stoller of MyDD reports that "Lieberman supporters aren't even dejected, they are bored". Atrios explains why Joe should go: But unlike the myopic New York Times, it's more than just Joe's support for the war. Digby nails it: There was a time when a vital center coalition existed in the Senate, where there was room on both sides for trading votes across party lines. The Republicans destroyed that coalition and Liebermann, inexplicably, doesn't seem to get that. Even worse, when the shit comes down, he inevitably sides with them. Many Democrats took a long time to learn the harsh lessons of GOP political hardball and had to lose to a bunch of thuggish right-wingers before they began to recognise what they were up against. Lieberman still refuses to accept the fact that his high minded centrism is a weapon in the hands of the radical Republicans.Image from nedlamont.com +Save/Share | | |
(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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