Wonky Muse |
December 19, 2006
Murdoch's Law (Updated)Throwing an anti-Semitic tantrum gets you fired but exploiting the dead victims of a violent crime doesn't.Judith Regan is none too happy about it. About the firing, that is. Atrios just reminded me why the woman leaves a bad taste in my mouth, other than being a purveyor of sleaze and the ex-lover of Bernard Kerik. Eew. Update: Gawker reports that Regan referred to the "Jewish Cabal" in her rant. Her counsel, famed Hollywood lawyer Bert Fields, denied it: However, Regan lawyer Bert Fields reminds us once again why anti-Semites hire Jewish lawyers. Not only does he deny that Regan said "Jewish cabal," he also asserts that he wouldn't have been offended if she had. "I want to make it clear that had she said it, even that is not an anti-Semitic remark," he said. "Had she said it, I wouldn't be offended, as a Jew."Uhm, cabal isn't necessarily anti-Semitic, but Jewish cabal is, don't you think? The WSJ Law Blog also revealed that the Regan/Fields connection isn't just client/lawyer, but also publisher/writer. Tags:
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(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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