Wonky Muse |
October 17, 2008
Newspaper Endorsements Pour In For ObamaEditor and Publisher:The Obama-Biden ticket maintains its strong lead in the race for newspaper endorsements, picking up 17 more papers in the past day, including the giant Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune on Friday afternoon (see separate story), and the Denver Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Salt Lake Tribune, Kansas City Star, Southwest News-Herald (Ill.) and Chicago Sun-Times tonight.The endorsement from Obama's hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, is worth noting because it's followed him closely through the years and because it has never endorsed a Democrat before. Its words are quite the boost for Obama's supporters and would-be supporters [emphasis mine]: On Nov. 4 we're going to elect a president to lead us through a perilous time and restore in us a common sense of national purpose.At the same time, it was devastating for John McCain [again, emphasis mine]: It is, though, hard to figure John McCain these days. He argued that President Bush's tax cuts were fiscally irresponsible, but he now supports them. He promises a balanced budget by the end of his first term, but his tax cut plan would add an estimated $4.2 trillion in debt over 10 years. He has responded to the economic crisis with an angry, populist message and a misguided, $300 billion proposal to buy up bad mortgages.More reactions at Memeorandum. Technorati Tags: obama mccain endorsements election politics news +Save/Share | | |
(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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