Wonky Muse |
May 19, 2006
John Gibson: Not a Racist, Just a XenophobeGibson whines about the lies, the lies:My concern was simply that I didn't want America to become Europe, where the birth rate is so low the continent is fast being populated by immigrants, mainly from Muslim countries, whose birth rate is very high.Asians too, huh? Gee, thanks for giving props to my kind, John. So let me get this straight: you're not a racist because you don't have a problem with brown people, as long as they're not Muslims? Carpetbagger Report calls the b.s.: Of course, now I understand. Gibson wasn't being bigoted, he simply didn't want white people in the United States to be outnumbered by people from Muslim countries. How could anyone find prejudice in such a sensible concern?Digby calls it, too. Question: How come racists thrive in the Republican Party? Answer: Because they find a receptive audience there. Instead of being denounced as they should be, their bigotry becomes part of the conservative mainstream screed. These racial demagogues peddle their wares and conservative extremists lap it up, according them legitimacy to such an extent that they actually make a living out of it. Like Feministe says: Sure, there are some conservatives and wingnuts who aren’t racist. And there are absolutely many liberals who are quite racist. But you just don’t see liberal publications and talking heads preaching white superiority quite the same way that you do on the right side of things.What's even more absurd, Gibson's screed is not only xenophobic but based on fallacious fearmongering. Time: Gibson is, of course, wildly wrong and not just because he rounds 45% up to "half" or conflates all racial and ethnic minorities with Hispanics. The Hispanic population is growing more rapidly than the white population, but nothing like what he fears. According to a projection released last year by the Census bureau, in 2030 the Hispanic population of the U.S. will be about 20.1%. Fifty years from now, the majority of Americans will still be white and 24.4% will be Hispanic.I think you'd better sit down, shut up and let the adults do the talking, John. Image from mediamatters.org. +Save/Share | | |
(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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