Wonky Muse |
August 29, 2006
Remember Katrina"My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." --radical rightist Grover Norquist As George W. Bush wraps up the whitewashing of Katrina -- beginning with parading a Republican activist who masqueraded as a modern Mr. Smith going to Washington and ending with more photo ops in New Orleans -- before he goes back to vacation at his Crawford ranch tonight, let's not forget what Katrina was all about. Katrina is what happens when those supposed to govern don't believe in governance, when those supposed to lead see government as no more than a fiefdom with which to bestow favors, vanquish enemies and consolidate power. Paul Krugman: Apologists for the administration will doubtless claim that blame for the lack of progress rests not with Mr. Bush, but with the inherent inefficiency of government bureaucracies. That's the great thing about being an antigovernment conservative: even when you fail at the task of governing, you can claim vindication for your ideology.In the drowning of Katrina, there is an underlying purpose. Frank Rich (emphasis mine): PRESIDENT BUSH travels to the Gulf Coast this week, ostensibly to mark the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Everyone knows his real mission: to try to make us forget the first anniversary of the downfall of his presidency.We can't let Bush and his cabal get away with this. Enough is enough from this crowd who turns everything they touch into a disaster. Remember Katrina. Remember Iraq. Remember the lies, the corruption, the abuse of power. Then hold them accountable come November, for as long as they are in power the nightmare will not end. More on Katrina: When the Levees Broke, a documentary by Spike Lee on HBO. Blogswarm at Shakespeare's Sister. Katrina Timeline at Think Progress. 1115: A Victory Lap for Broken Promises Andre Cherny: Katrina: What If It Wasn't "Once in A Lifetime?" Arianna Huffington: A Creeping Feeling of Deluge A Vu Carl Pope: One Year After Katrina -- The Good, The Bad, The Clueless Daily Kos: We Were Americans David Sirota: Katrina Disaster Was Your Bush Tax Cuts At Work Digby: Diaspora Lemonade Digby: Pimping the Victims Firedoglake: Can't Just Wash It Away Harry Shearer: Katrina: Something Besides Emotion Huffington Post: Fmr. FEMA Chief: Department Of Homeland Security Is "A Bureaucratic Black Hole"... Los Angeles Times: Katrina Aid Far From Flowing MSNBC: It's Incompetence Newsweek: Not Much Has Changed Patti Davis: How Does the Heart Survive? Political Wire: Reporting from Katrina Remembered Relief Web: Mental Illness Up Among Katrina Survivors Rep. Nancy Pelosi: While the President Pats Himself on the Back... Sen. Edward M. Kennedy: Katrina One Year Later Sen. Russ Feingold: Helping People Make it Home Again, a Year after Katrina Steve Benen: One Year Later Steven G. Brant: Bush: "We Delivered!" New Orleans: "No, You Didn't!" Susan Feeney: Courage, Fortitude and a Little Insanity are what it Takes to Survive in Post-K New Orleans Susan Madrak: Rape, Pillage, Repeat The Boston Globe: Engineers Worried On New Orleans Levees USA Today: Former FEMA Director Says Administration Did Not Support Effective Disaster Planning Tags:
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(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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