Wonky Muse |
February 2, 2005
The SOTU is...A lot of readers provided answers to the question above posted by Salon. My favorite is "rapture ready".American Street's Barbara O'brien leaks a preview of the SOTU transcript: Iraqi elections, Iraqi elections, Iraqi elections, Social Security crisis, Social Security personal accounts, Iraqi elections, September 11, terrorism, September 11, Iraqi elections, saving Social Security with individual investment accounts. September 11. And, Iraqi elections. God bless America. She helpfully reminds us that if we can't take it anymore, we can always switch to Animal Planet. I've decided to watch the State of the Union speech, anyway. Well, maybe not watch, just listen. Not that I would naively believe anything he says, because Mr. Bush is very good at saying one thing and doing something else. Have you seen the Republican Congressmen with purple fingers? They say it's to show solidarity with the Iraqi people. They even invited Democrats to do the same, in front of the camera. I have to say it's an inspired stunt. If Dems agree, that's a thumbs up to the war. If they disagree, they're against freedom. Sour grapes, those Dems. Anyway, back to the SOTU. +Save/Share | | |
(Dare to Know) -- Epistularum Liber Primus, Horace Wonk (noun): def. A political nerd. Know spelled backwards. Wonky Muse is the other Filipino American female political blogger. The sane, liberal one.
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